Personal Best Athletic Performances


Distance Time Event
100-mile 22:09:08 Western States Endurance Run, Lake Tahoe, CA, 1992
100-km 7:35:30 IAU World Challenge, Winschoten, Netherlands, 1997
50-mile 6:29:43 Sri Chimnoy Ultras, Delta, BC, 1993
50-km 3:52:15 Kettle Valley 50K, Brookmere, BC, 1996
42.1-km 2:41:34 Dallas Marathon, Dallas, TX, 1985
21-km 1:16:39 White Rock Half-marathon, Dallas, TX, 1985
10-km 34:04 Plaza Theatre 10-K, Dallas, TX, 1984
5-km 16:54 Caljo 5K, Montreal, QC, 1984


Distance Time Event
Ultra 24:45:40 (10k, 480k, 84k) Earth Journey, Penticton, BC, 1991
Ironman 10:06:02 (3.8k, 180k, 42k ) Ironman Europe, Roth, Germany, 1990
Half-Iron 4:25:30 (1.9k, 90k 21k) Tupper Lake Half-Ironman, Tupper Lake, NY 1989
Olympic 2:03:36 (1.5k, 40k, 10k) Toronto Triathlon, Toronto, ON, 1988
Sprint 1:44:10 (.75k, 20k, 5k) Las Colinas, TX, 1987


Distance Time Event
the Bagger Challenge.  Completist.  (Climbed all 70 mountain peaks in BC lower mainland)
200k Silver Canadian Ski Marathon – Lachute, PQ to Ottawa, ON, 1989
11.8k 4:17 Skaha Lake Ultraswim, Penticton, BC, 1993